D4.4 - Final Version of Game Applications for Scenario Pilots

Kam Star, Jaret Glass, Felix Wentworth, Ellis Spice, Ian Saunter, Jeremy Cook, Kerstin Gaisbachgrabner, Thierry Platon, Wim Westera, Jens Piesk

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable


    This final report provides an overview of the final versions of the RAGE games made using the RAGE assets after the first round of pilot testing and formative evaluation. The document serves as internal communication and discussion in RAGE among game companies and asset developers together with case owners and evaluators. The document is structured as follows: each game is contained in its own section, which is then divided into a section covering a short overview, a section on changes since initial version (presented in D4.3), a section on the use of RAGE components and a section providing actual game screenshots from the latest version of the game, together with narrated description.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2018


    • RAGE
    • pilot games
    • test


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