D5.2 – Scenario Arrangement Document – round 2

Barbara Bazzanella, Milena Casagranda, Andrea Molinari, Sarah Humphreys, Gareth Sleightholme, Olivier Lepoivre, Maureen Halbeher, Ana Romano, Carla Falua, Cristina Soeiro, Raquel Guerra, Martin van Kollenburg, Rob Kommeren, Christina Steiner

Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable


This deliverable outlines the implementation plan for the second round of RAGE pilots which are planned by WP5 partners between December 2017 and November 2018, involving 2400/2500 participants. These pilots aim to perform the final validation of the applied games which have been created and improved during the RAGE project with the RAGE ecosystem's assets. Each pilot is described in terms of 1) implementation aspects (recruitment modality, when, where, resources and support) 2) participants (characteristics, number, subgroups) and 3) design, methodology and instruments. Finally, 4) a risk management analysis is presented to identify potential risks which could interfere with the success of the pilot and a number of measures to prevent the occurrence of such risks or reduce their impact.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • RAGE
  • pilot
  • applied game
  • serious game


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