D5.2 - Stakeholder engagement plan, report on Guidelines and Monitoring tools-metrics

Noaa Barak, Daniel Burgos, Marcus Specht, Fred De Vries, Anthony Camilleri, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Donatella Persico

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    This document describes the Guidelines, strategy, tools and methods for establishing the STELLAR stakeholders’ network and engaging with the TEL stakeholders. The overall aim of WP5 is to build a TEL community level capacity, with five main objectives: The STELLAR consortium aims to unify the leading institutions and projects in European Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) in a Network of Excellence (NoE). As part of this, it aims to reduce community fragmentation by bringing together the key stakeholders in European TEL and stimulate ongoing knowledge exchange between them. This is the work of WP5.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2011


    • stakeholders
    • network
    • communication tools
    • guidelines
    • monitoring
    • TELeurope


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