D6.2 – Summary, Analysis, Road-mapping and Production of Training materials: RAGE – WP6 – D6.2

Jana Mertens, Matthias Hemmje, Dominic Heutelbeck, W. Westera, Ruben Riestra

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    Deliverable 6.2 describes and summarizes the final results of the population of the RAGE Ecosystem portal (EP) with information, knowledge and training material. The core version of the EP and its services are tested and validated. The next step will be to make the EP a long-lasting, self-sustaining Portal. For this purpose, the functionalities for selling and buying, the shop system, were set up and are ready to be launched as part of the foreseen commercial exploitation of the EP as core element of the RAGE Ecosystem. Library, Media Archive, Software Repository are prepared to be systematically expanded by incoming external resources, and the Social network interoperability support is in place. Tutorials explain how to use the portal and how to make components or how to create specific aspects of applied games. The content of this deliverable is part of the operational documentation prepared for the teams involved in the roll-out of the RAGE Ecosystem, thus representing its first priority audience.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherRAGE project
    Number of pages77
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • RAGE
    • ecosystem portal


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