D7.4 - Potential business models report

Paul Hollins, Ruben Riestra, Dai Griffiths, Li Yuan, Pedro A. Santos, Jana Becker

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable


    The purpose of the deliverable is to identify and present potential business models for the Rage Eco-system. This report builds on the previous deliverables within Work-Package 7(WP7) which provided a summary of business models historically operated within the Leisure and Applied Games (D7.1) a Value chain analysis (D7.2) and an outline of the stakeholder consultation process (D7.3). The report has been developed alongside the WP8 dealing with evaluation, and WP9 dealing with the exploitation plan. The report provides descriptions of four potential business models and these are distilled to three final candidate business models for the RAGE Eco-system; the first being a multi sided matchmaking model, the second a product model and finally a hybrid model which combines a product, solutions and matchmaking model. Informed by consultation, a firm recommendation is made, together with a supporting rationale, that the RAGE Eco-system portal adopts the hybrid product, solutions and matchmaking model. In making this recommendation the report also highlights the likely requirement to develop an interim transitional model whilst the portal becomes established.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2017


    • RAGE
    • business model
    • eco-system


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