D7.5 - Processes in to Proposed Business Model Report

Paul Hollins, Andrea Molinari, Wim Westera, Ruben Riestra, Dominic Heutelbeck, Pedro A. Santos, Li Yuan

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable


    The focus of this deliverable in conjunction with parallel activities highlighted in D9.6, the Exploitation Plan, is the development of a sustainable, viable ecosystem with emphasis and focus on the long-term sustainability of the platform, community and project outputs beyond the current project funding ending in early 2019. The purpose of this deliverable is to provide detailed feedback, analysis and a summary of the rationale in support of the recommendation to adopt the hybrid product solution and matchmaking business model as previously identified as a candidate model presented (In deliverable D7.3) for the RAGE Ecosystem. The model will enhance the likelihood of the long-term sustainability of the RAGE product and service outcomes beyond the lifecycle of the current EU funding model.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2018


    • business model
    • exploitation
    • RAGE


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