D7.8 - Exploitation Plans

Mariano Sanz, Cristina Arana, Jesús Boticario, Carmen Barrera, Peter Van Rosmalen, Juergen Schmidt, Ingeborg Hoke, Elsa Escala, Roberto Canada

    Research output: Book/ReportTechnical reportAcademic


    This report presents the ideas for the exploitation of the project results, having into account the current market situation and the focus of ALFANET project as defined along the project and having into account the recommendations received at the various project reviews. According with this, the report includes: • An updated definition of the eLearning market, with special focus to technology providers and service providers. • A SWOT analysis that concludes with the position of ALFANET at the market and a set of baseline exploitation strategies. • A description of ALFANET exploitation plan in terms of: target market, exploitation strategy and definition of ALFANET product and services with special focus on ALFANET components and its exploitation paths through Open Source initiatives. • The particular exploitation plans as identified by the consortium partners
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2006


    • Exploitation


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