D9.6 – Exploitation Plan (version 2 of 3)

Ruben Riestra, Ana Perna, Sabina Guaylupo, Cristina Lucas, Paul Hollins, Wim Westera

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable


    The Exploitation Plan supports consortium partners in defining how the RAGE Ecosystem will operate once our H2020 project ends. This version 2 of 3 builds on top of the overall design described in version 1 (Deliverable D9.5), and it is mainly devoted to: i. Describing how the different elements of the initial Business Model will be implemented, how the activities of the Ecosystem will be supported and the kind of resources and actions needed to launch and operate it within the space of the Applied Gaming industry. ii. Providing additional definitions, proposals and insights to guide discussions with the Gaming industry (in the wider sense) stakeholders and market players, aimed at refining and validating the best possible structure, the most effective operations of the Ecosystem and the critical success factors for its actual launching.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2018


    • RAGE
    • exploitation plan
    • business model


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