De invloed van werkeisen en hulpbronnen op uitputting en bevlogenheid

Joris Van Ruysseveldt, Peter Smulders, John Taverniers

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    In this study we perform an additive (only main effects) and a multiplicative (also interactions between all work characteristics) test of the JD-R model on a large, heterogeneous and representative sample of the Dutch working population. All job demands under investigation – work load, WHI, task complexity, emotional and physical demands - have a significant positive effect and all job resources – autonomy, learning possibilities, job security and social support from management and colleagues – have a significant negative effect on emotional exhaustion. Also, these job resources, but not the job demands, have a significant positive effect on work engagement. Contrary to our hypothesis, task complexity has a significant positive effect on work engagement. Our results show that the multiplicative variant of the JD-R model has no surplus value over the additive variant. Only a small amount of the interaction effects based on the buffer hypothesis prove to be significant. However, as assumed in our amplifier hypothesis, some of the interactions between job demands and between job resources are significant.
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)226-243
    Number of pages18
    JournalTijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • job demands
    • job resources
    • emotional exhaustion
    • work-related stress
    • work engagement
    • JD-R model
    • buffer-hypothesis
    • interaction effects

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