Design-based research

Thomas Reeves, Susan McKenney

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionaryAcademic

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    Educational design research is a genre of research in which the iterative development of solutions to practical and complex educational problems provides the setting for scientific inquiry. The solutions can be educational products, processes, programs or policies. Educational design research not only targets solving significant problems facing educational practitioners, but at the same time it seeks to discover new knowledge that can inform the work of others facing similar problems. Working systematically and simultaneously toward these dual goals is perhaps the most defining feature of educational design research. This chapter seeks to clarify the nature of educational design research by distinguishing it from other types of inquiry conducted in the field of educational communications and technology. Examples of design research conducted by different researchers working in the field of educational communications and technology are described. The chapter concludes with a discussion of several important issues facing educational design researchers as they pursue future work using this innovative research approach.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
    EditorsJ. Michael Spector
    Place of PublicationThousand Oaks, CA
    PublisherSAGE Publications Inc.
    ISBN (Electronic)9781506311296
    ISBN (Print)9781452258225
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2015


    • design research
    • technology


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