Designing an online self-assessment for informed study decisions: The user perspective

L.E.C. Delnoij, J.P.W. Janssen, K.J.H. Dirkx, R.L. Martens

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


This paper presents the results of a user study, as part of the design-based development of an online self-assessment for prospective students in higher online education. The self-assessment consists of a set of tests – predictive of completion – and is meant to improve informed decision making prior to enrolment. The rationale being that better decision making will help to address the ongoing concern of non-completion in higher online education. A prototypical design of the self-assessment was created based on an extensive literature review and correlational research. The present study focused on investigating the potential users’ perspective on the self-assessment (including the feedback it provides). Results from a survey among prospective students (N = 66) showed that three out of the five tests included in the current prototype were considered relevant by prospective students. Moreover, students rated eleven additionally suggested tests – currently not included – as relevant concerning their study decision. Expectations regarding the feedback to be provided in connection with the tests include an explanation of the measurement and advice for further preparation. A comparison of the obtained scores to a reference group (i.e., other test-takers or successful students) is not expected. Implications for further development and evaluation of the self-assessment are discussed. At the conference, a short interactive demonstration of the self-assessment is provided.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 26 Aug 2021
EventEARLI 2021 - Online, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Duration: 23 Aug 202127 Aug 2021
Conference number: 19


ConferenceEARLI 2021
Internet address


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