Developing an Approach for Learning Design Players

Patrick McAndrew*, Rob Nadolski, Alex Little

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    The EduBox system as described in Tattersall, Vogten and Hermans (2005) was developed at the Open University of the Netherlands in order first to support the use of EML as a formal way to describe its courses, and then redeveloped to support later versions of EML that evolved into Learning Design. Edubox is located as a solution for the OUNL and this allows it to offer a viable platform for student use and to use particular implementations for aspects that are not fully determined in the Learning Design specification. Examples of these are the ways to use question and test and the format for content. Edubox is built around EML 1.1 which is very similar to Learning Design but not identical. This means that EduBox is not designed as the basis for players outside the OUNL. This paper looks at developments on players that can be used more widely. It focuses on the use of the CopperCore Learning Design Engine [1] as a basis for how a player can work and two related implementations that use that engine: the Copper Core LD player and the SLeD player [2]. In all cases the intention is to produce open source software for free reuse and to assist others working in the same area.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number15
    Pages (from-to)1-12
    Number of pages12
    JournalJournal of Interactive Media in Education
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Aug 2005


    • learning design
    • web services
    • java
    • open source


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