Digital Twins: Virtual representation of physical systems

Research output: Book/ReportOther report (internal)

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A digital twin is a virtual copy of a physical system. It is a replica that lives inside a computer. By exchanging data with the real-life system via sensors, the digital twin displays the current state of the actual one. Moreover, the digital twin behaves similarly to the physical system which makes it possible to run simulations, and in
certain cases, control the physical twin through the software interface of the digital twin. This whitepaper aims at shedding some light on the digital twin concept, laying out what businesses can expect and how they can implement and benefit from digital twins in any domain.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherOpen Universiteit
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2021

Publication series

SeriesActionable Data Science Whitepaper Series


  • Digital twin
  • simulation
  • Modeling


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