Dynamic probing of educational quality: The SEIN system

Wim Westera, Pieter Wouters, Diny Ebrecht, Marcel Vos, Jo Boon

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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    This chapter describes the design and implementation of a web-based system for the evaluation of distance learning courses at the Open University of the Netherlands. The evaluation system is called SEIN, which is the Dutch word for SIGNAL. The SEIN system comprises the arrangement and publication of course-related electronic questionnaires and the highly automated collection and aggregation of the students’ responses. From early 2007 SEIN has been in operation at most of faculties of the Open University of the Netherlands (Law, Arts, Environmental Sciences, Educational technology, Business administration and Psychology) and it covers up to some 200 courses. SEIN is thereby an important institutional quality assurance tool for the monitoring and evaluation of Open University courses. Next, we will first outline the educational context of the Open University of the Netherlands. Subsequently, we will identify important internal and external drivers for quality assurance, we will outline the relevant characteristics of the SEIN system, and we will describe the process of implementation. Finally, preliminary effects of the SEIN implementation will be presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGood Practice E-Learning Book
    EditorsA. Landeta
    Place of PublicationMadrid
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


    • Quality
    • Evaluation
    • Online learning
    • Electronic questionnaire
    • Online evaluation


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