E-Learning im Museum und Archiv

Marion Gruber

    Research output: Book/ReportBookProfessional

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    Museums and archives are traditionally socio-cultural learning environments that contribute to the continuous development of the civil-society. Arts and cultural heritage education is hence one of the key activities of these institutions. Applying new technologies in the educational activities is therefore a necessity if museums and archives should reach their target groups in a society which is increasingly dominated by information and communication technologies. This book analyses the historical background as well as the economical, organisational and educational constraints of arts and cultural heritage education. The analysis is based on empirical data that was collected in museums and archives in Austria and Italy. The results were aligned with quality factors and educational concepts from the e-learning domain. By combining the two domains of arts and cultural heritage education and e-learning, general factors and guidelines for the development of e-learning in exhibition halls and over the internet are identified.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Nov 2009


    • e-learning
    • museum, archive
    • arts and cultural heritage education
    • museum education
    • archive education
    • cultural management
    • quality


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