E-XCELLENCE NEXT Report Local seminar Russia

Leo Wagemans, Jo Boon

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportProfessional

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    E-learning has become mainstream provision in European higher education and is essential in supporting lifelong learning and internationalisation. By becoming integral part of higher education, e-learning should also be integral part of the QA systems, internal and external, with related innovative and appropriate criteria. In the Excellence project (EADTU) an instrument is developed under the e-learning programme that creates an opportunity for the existing channels in QA to adopt new quality guidelines for increased quality, accessibility and attractiveness. As the E-xcellence instrument supplements existing QA systems with e-learning specific issues and addresses directly the higher education and adult education sector, it can be integrated within the existing QA frameworks. In the past 2 stages in which E-xcellence was developed and promoted by and within open and blended universities and QA agencies it has proven to be a valuable and valued open source tool. In a third step EADTU wants to serve universities Europe wide with an open and updated “quality assurance in e-learning” instrument. One of the institutions where the E-xcellence instrument is introduced is The Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI). The report describes the introduction of the E-xcellence instrument in a Local seminar and a Master Class at the MESI.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2011


    • E-xcellence
    • Local seminar
    • MESI
    • Master Class


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    • E-XCELLENCE NEXT Report Local seminar Russia

      de Neubourg - Boon, J. (Consultant / Advisor) & Wagemans, L. (Consultant / Advisor)

      6 Jun 20117 Jun 2011

      Activity: Consultancy typesConsultancy / AdviceProfessional

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