ECO D2.6 Web 2.0 requirements analysis

Francis Brouns, Felix Bohuschke, Raquel Pedrosa, Aquilina Fueyo, Vicente García, Cristina Pelayo, Santiago Fano

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    ECO sMOOCs are social and seamless and the pedagogical design puts the learner central, taking an active role and learning through interactions and connections with others. The platforms have to provide the features not only support social interaction but promote and enhance these. This deliverable puts forward what features can scaffold interactions, taking into account lessons learned from popular social media.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages64
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2015


    • ECO
    • MOOC
    • social media
    • social learning
    • web 2.0
    • sMOOCs
    • networked learning
    • seamless learning
    • gamification


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