Editorial: How Normal Is the New Normal? Individual and Organizational Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Amelia Manuti, B.I.J.M. van der Heijden, Peter Kruyen, Ans De Vos, Monica Zaharie, Alessandro Lo Presti

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialAcademicpeer-review


“How normal is the new normal?” The idea of this Research Topic started from this simple question that is tickling our imagination as scholars, employees, and—for some of us—as supervisors. The term “new normal” was coined during the 2008 financial crisis to refer to the dramatic economic, cultural, and social transformations that seriously impacting collective perceptions and individual lifestyles. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the term “new normal” reappeared to point out how the pandemic completely transformed human life, including professional identity, economic subsistence, work and family organization, children’s education; and, in turn, demanding a radical revision of the traditional ways, practices and skills used to manage them. Indeed, since the start of the pandemic, it has been evident that COVID-19 was destined to mark our history, triggering long-term effects for individuals, teams, and organizations. Although we are longing to return to our familiar routines, it is evident that everything has changed, and we still have difficulties adapting to this new normal. Accordingly, the increasing complexity of the present scenario urges us find answers for the most evident implications of the pandemic (e.g., remote working and technostress, distance management, work/life interface, economic, and job insecurity) with other eminent issues that emerged in this “new normal” phase (e.g., research on long-term effects, cross-country comparative research, how to prepare for a new health crisis, how to support workers who suffer from long-COVID, how to accommodate workers who are afraid of getting infected, how to keep the good things that the new normal has brought us, including the increased respect for health workers?). In view of the above, the present Research Topic aims to answer some of these questions by nurturing an expert discussion on the issue, and by focusing on some emergent challenges that will most likely keep having an impact on the future workplace, conditioning workers’ wellbeing and functioning, and consequently organizational performance.
Original languageEnglish
Article number931236
Number of pages3
JournalFrontiers in Psychology
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2022


  • HRM practices and policies
  • impact of the pandemic on individuals
  • impact of the pandemic on organizations
  • impact of the pandemic on teams
  • new normal


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