Education at the boundary between school and work: A multiple case study of learning environment designs

Erica Bouw, Ilya Zitter, Elly Bruijn

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


    In this case study six learning environments in Dutch vocational education were selected to collect empirical evidence for distinct manifestations of two types of connective designs: (1) designs based on incorporation and, (2) designs based on hybridisation. The selected cases differed in location, professional domain and position in the overall curriculum. The cases were studied from a design perspective, focussing on the epistemic design, the set design and the social design of each learning environment. Findings suggests that learning environment designs can be distinguished by analysing the design rationale and their specific epistemic, physical and social characteristics.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2018
    Event9th International conference of the EARLI SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development : Interaction, learning and professional development - The University of Geneva, Genève, Switzerland
    Duration: 12 Sept 201814 Sept 2018


    Conference9th International conference of the EARLI SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development
    Internet address


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