Effects and mediators of a web-based tailored intervention for cancer survivors on quality of life, anxiety, depression, and fatigue

RA Willems, CAW Bolman, Ilse Mesters, IM Kanera, L. Lechner

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


    Background: Many cancer survivors face difficulties affecting their quality of life, of which anxiety, depression, and fatigue are prominent issues. Therefore, the web-based computer-tailored 'Kanker Nazorg Wijzer' intervention (KNW; Cancer Aftercare Guide) was developed, a self-management tool aimed at increasing survivors' psychosocial well-being. Methods: As part of a randomized controlled trial comparing a waiting list control group (n=231) with an intervention group (n=231), the effectiveness of the KNW on quality of life (EORTC QLQ-C30), anxiety and depression (HADS), and fatigue (CIS) was assessed at 6 and 12 months from baseline using multilevel linear regression analyses. Theoretically hypothesized mediators, measured at 3 months from baseline, were problem solving skills (SPSI-R) and personal control (IPQ-R). Mediation analyses were conducted with Hayes' PROCESS macro. Results: At 6 months from baseline, the KNW was effective in reducing depression and fatigue. In addition, effects were found for emotional and social functioning, although these effects were less strong. At 12 months from baseline, the effects were not statistically significant. Mediation analyses, with depression and fatigue at 6 months from baseline as outcomes, showed that personal control mediated the effects of depression and fatigue. There was no evidence for problem solving skills as mediator. Conclusions: The KNW can be considered as an effective intervention (at short-term), low-intensive, and easy accessible intervention that expedites cancer recovery, partly through changing personal control. Therefore, it might serve as a first step in stepped care for initial psychosocial support after cancer treatment.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016
    Event18th International Psycho Oncology Society Congress - Clontarf Castle Hotel Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    Duration: 17 Oct 201621 Oct 2016
    Conference number: 18


    Other18th International Psycho Oncology Society Congress
    Internet address


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