Effects of a Mobile Performance Support System on Students’ Learning Outcomes

Wendy Kicken, Slavi Stoyanov

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    Mobile performance support system (mPSS) adapted from Electronic Performance Support system (EPSS) used in industry, is a promising approach to increase students learning outcomes in educational settings. MPSS focuses on helping students to perform an authentic task with minimum support of others, providing them with sufficient information such as expert advice and procedures, just-in-time. Providing this support on a mobile device enables students to make their learning more efficient and relevant. To examine the effects of this approach on students’ performance five pilot studies will be conducted (starting in May 2010) at five different courses provided at three different universities in Bulgaria and Spain. In addition students and teachers will be interviewed to examine their perceived effectiveness of the mPSS. Results will be used to formulate practical implications for the implementation of a mPSS
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Nov 2010


    • Mobile performance support system


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