Eindrapportage werkpakket 4 EML standaardisatie

Jocelyn Manderveld, Hans Hummel, Peter Sloep, Fred De Vries, Hubert Vogten, Rob Koper

    Research output: Working paper / PreprintWorking paperAcademic

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    Over the past years, the Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) has spent a lot of effort developing a new, rich and flexible learning management systems (LMS). This effort has resulted in EML, Educational Modelling Language, and Edubox. EML is the specification on which Edubox has been built. In the international field of learning technologies, there are many initiatives concerned with the development of specifications for LMS. These initiatives all have the same goal, that of developing specifications and requirements for LMS in order that they might become a standard. Many institutes, universities and companies (vendors of LMS) are participating in these international initiatives in order to influence these initiatives with their own developed specifications and gather consensus about specifications and requirements.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 12 Jul 2002


    • standardisation
    • EML
    • Educational Modelling Language
    • Learning Management System
    • LMS
    • Edubox
    • Specification
    • learning technologies


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