Enhancing informal learning recognition through TRAILER project

Miguel Á. Conde, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo, Valentina Zangrando, Alicia García-Holgado, Antonio M. Seoane-Pardo, Marc Alier, Nikolas Galanis, Dai Griffiths, Mark Johnson, José Janssen, Francis Brouns, Hubert Vogten, Anton Finders, Peter Sloep, Maria A. Marques, Maria C. Viegas, Gustavo R. Alves, Elwira Waszkiewicz, Aleksandra Mykowska, Miroslav MinovicMilos Milovanovic

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review

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    The evolution of new technology and its increasing use, has for some years been making the existence of informal learning more and more transparent, especially among young and older adults in both Higher Education and workplace contexts. However, the nature of formal and non-formal, coursebased, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily. The project aims to facilitate first the identification by the learner (as the last responsible of the learning process), and then the recognition by the institution, in dialogue with the learner, of this learning. To do so a methodology and a technological framework to support it have been implemented. This project has been tested in several contexts showing that an informal learning dialogue between learners and people in charge of the institutions is possible.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Workshop on Solutions that Enhance Informal Learning Recognition (WEILER 2013)
    Subtitle of host publicationco-located with 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2013)
    EditorsFrancisco J. Garcia Penalvo, Miguel A. Conde, Dai Griffiths
    Number of pages10
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2013
    Event8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact - Paphos, Cyprus
    Duration: 17 Sept 201321 Sept 2013
    Conference number: 8


    Conference8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
    Abbreviated titleEC-TEL 2013


    • TRAILER project
    • informal learning
    • knowledge management
    • competences
    • recognition
    • dialogue


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