Enhancing the Social Capital of Learning Communities by Using an Ad Hoc Transient Communities Service

Sibren Fetter, Adriana Berlanga, Peter Sloep

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    In online learning, communities can help to enhance learning. However, because of the dynamic nature of communities, attaining and sustaining these communities can be difficult. One aspect that has an influence on, and is influenced by these dynamics is the social capital of a community. Features of social capital are the social network structure, the sense of belonging and, the support received and provided. It is hypothesized that these features can be improved by using Ad Hoc Transient Communities (AHTCs). Through an AHTC learners are brought together for a specific, learning-related goal (‘ad hoc’) and for only a limited amount of time (‘transience’). To test whether the use of AHTCs has a positive influence on the social capital, a learner support service which enables the use of AHTCs is proposed. Furthermore, requirements, pre-requisites, and future research are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 23 Jan 2009


    • Ad Hoc Transient Communities
    • Social Networks
    • Social Capital
    • AHTC
    • Learner support
    • Design
    • learner support service
    • Sense of Belonging
    • Social network structure
    • Social Support


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