Evaluation of Recommender Systems for Technology-Enhanced Learning: Challenges and Possible Solutions

Heleau Sandy, Hendrik Drachsler, Dennis Gillet

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    This paper discusses challenges and possible solutions of recommender systems for Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL). It also briefly presents the the 3A contextual recommender system and explores its applicability and evaluation in the context of learners using multiple Web 2.0 applications.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages3
    Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2009
    EventSTELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous 2009: Education in the wild: contextual and location-based mobile learning in action - Garmisch-Patenkirchen, Germany
    Duration: 30 Nov 20093 Dec 2009


    WorkshopSTELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous 2009
    OtherSTELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous workshop series


    • recommender system
    • remashed
    • trust
    • algorithm


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