Event-Driven Interoperability Framework For Interoperation In E-Learning Information Systems - Monitored Repository

Milen Petrov

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


    Enormous efforts are put in both directions of the area of e-learning technologies– information and learning aspects. On one hand, there are new challenges in learning technologies, which tends to be in focus of research of the community of practise. On the other hand, there are learning specifications developments, which are technology oriented. And last, but not least new exciting technologies appear on the web. In order to achieve the primary goal in technology-enhanced learning – better learning - we need to take in account these changes. Development of new models, frameworks, systems and tools in order to satisfy these needs is required. The proposed event-driven interoperability framework is an attempt to fill up the gap between different aspects behind the rationale of learning systems evolution. The presented framework takes advantages of the event-driven paradigm, applying it on loosely coupled or completely decoupled technology standards and specification used in learning systems and tools. There are given definitions of four basic collaborating parts of the framework (client, repository, monitored repository, and conformance validators). Collaboration mechanism of the framework is described using event-driven paradigm. Expected benefits of applying the framework are pointed out. Relation to and subtle distinction with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) are presented as a conclusion.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Dec 2006


    • Event-driven framework
    • interoperability
    • e-learning systems
    • software technology
    • monitored repository


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