Everything you always wanted to know about Cloud 5 but were afraid to ask

A.T. Evers, Jörg Holle

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


While the title of the cloud suggests that we address only the corporate world, it is important to know that we also understand schools and universities as workplaces where learning can happen. Since we believe that this may be difficult to differentiate from cloud 1 (teacher education) or cloud 14 (learning in organisations), we will start this spotlight session with a short presentation of research connected to our cloud, which gives you an example of our understanding of workplace learning. To get you from the receiving end into a more active role, we will then work in groups on topics about your ideas, trending topics and needs within the cloud and possible new common project ideas. Of course we will afterwards come together as a group to reflect on the results and to set the direction for the future of cloud 5.

While the title of the cloud suggests that we address only the corporate world, it is important to know that we also understand schools and universities as workplaces where learning can happen. Since we believe that this may be difficult to differentiate from cloud 1 (teacher education) or cloud 14 (learning in organisations), we will start this spotlight session with a short presentation of research connected to our cloud, which gives you an example of our understanding of workplace learning. The focus in this presentation will be on workplace learning of teachers, that is their continuous learning or professional development at the workplace. An instrument will be presented that maps these workplace learning activities of teachers (these activities can be grouped in reading, work-related training, experimenting, reflecting and asking for feedback, collaborating with colleagues with the aim of improving lessons and collaborating with colleagues with the aim of improving school development). The instrument is validated in primary, secondary and recently higher education. This continuous learning or professional development can be clearly distinguished from workplace learning of students, for example during internships. Although this student perspective is not part of the presentation, the topic is part of Cloud 5. To get you from the receiving end into a more active role, we will then work in groups on topics about your ideas, trending topics and needs within the cloud and possible new common project ideas. Of course we will afterwards come together as a group to reflect on the results and to set the direction for the future of cloud 5.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021
EventEAPRIL 2021 - Online, Leuven, Belgium
Duration: 24 Nov 202126 Nov 2021


ConferenceEAPRIL 2021
Abbreviated titleEAPRIL 2021
Internet address


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