Existing Standards Analysis for Alfanet

René Van Es, John Van der Baaren, Peter Van Rosmalen, Jocelyn Manderveld, Rob Koper, Jesús Boticario, Carmen Barrera, Antonio Rodríguez, Olga Santos

    Research output: Book/ReportTechnical reportAcademic

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    This deliverable consists of two parts. Part I gives an overview of existing bodies for standardization and an introduction to existing standards (or specifications) in the areas relevant for ALFANET including learning standards, knowledge management stadards, human capital profiles, multi agent architecture standards and other general technical standards. Part II contains a selection of the standards proposed to be used within ALFANET. Each proposed standard is accompanied by an in depth discussion reviewing the motivation, fit with the project goals and the consequences of inclusion.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Jan 2003


    • Standards
    • Standard Bodies
    • Learning Technology Standards
    • Knowledge Management Standards
    • Multi-agent Standards
    • Human Capital Profiles


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