‘Explain It to a Beginner!’ Effects of Model Instruction on Learning with Eye Movement Modeling Examples

S.N. Emhardt, H.M. Jarodzka, Christian Drumm, Tamara Van Gog, S. Brand - Gruwel

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


    Eye-movement modeling example (EMME) videos show the expert’s eye-movements (i.e., the focus of attention) while h/she demonstrates how to perform a task. EMMEs often have found to guide learners’ attention and foster their learning. One potential influencing factor on EMME’s effectiveness might be its concrete design. However, clear design guidelines on how to create an optimal EMME are missing. For instance, some (expert) models received the instruction to behave ‘didactically’ when creating an EMME. Recently, we (Authors, in prep.) found that the instruction to behave didactically clearly changes (programming) experts' non-verbal behavior and thus, the EMME videos. Consequently, our next study uses EMME videos about code debugging to investigate the effect of model instruction (non-didactical EMME vs. didactical EMME) on novices’ learning and video evaluation. Ideas on the study design will be presented at the ICO NSS19. Our findings may provide researchers and practitioners with guidelines on how to create more effective EMME videos.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    EventICO National Spring School 2019 - De Griffioen, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Duration: 14 Mar 201915 Mar 2019


    ConferenceICO National Spring School 2019
    Abbreviated titleICO NSS 2019


    • Video-based learning, eye tracking, Eye Movement Modeling Examples, instructional design


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