Exploring perspectives of people with type-1 diabetes on goalsetting strategies within self-management education and care

M.F.A.M. Fredrix, Molly Byrne, Jenny McSharry

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Background. Collaborative goal-setting strategies are widely recommended for diabetes self-management support within healthcare systems. Creating self-management plans that fit with peoples’ own goals and priorities has been linked with better diabetic control. Consequently, goal-setting has become a core component of many diabetes selfmanagement programmes such as the ‘Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE) programme’. Within DAFNE, people with Type-1 Diabetes (T1D) develop their own goals along with action-plans to stimulate goal-achievement. While widely implemented, limited research has explored how goal-setting strategies are experienced by people with diabetes.
Therefore, this study aims to explore the perspectives of people with T1D on the
implementation and value of goal-setting strategies within DAFNE and follow-up diabetes care. Furthermore, views on barriers and facilitators to goal-attainment are explored.
Methods. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 people with T1D who attended a DAFNE-programme. Following a longitudinal qualitative research design, interviews took place 1 week, and 6-8 months after completion of DAFNE. A recurrent cross-sectional approach is applied in which themes will be identified at each time-point using thematic analyses.
Expected results. Preliminary identified themes surround the difference in value that participants place on goal-setting strategies, and the lack of support for goal-achievement within diabetes care.
Current stage. Data collection complete; data-analysis ongoing.
Discussion. Goal-setting strategies are increasingly included in guidelines for diabetes support and have become essential parts of many primary care improvement schemes. Therefore, exploring the perspectives of people with T1D on the value and implementation of goal-setting strategies is vital for their optimal application.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Aug 2022
Event36th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Charting New Territories in Health Psychology - Bratislava, Slovakia
Duration: 23 Aug 202227 Aug 2022


Conference36th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society
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