Exploring problems Dutch transgender and gender diverse people experience during transition

Maria J.A. Verbeek*, Mark A. Hommes, Jacques J.D.M. van Lankveld, Thomas D. Steensma, Arjan E.R. Bos

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Background and Aim: During transition transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people may experience various problems. This research aimed to identify the problems Dutch TGD people face during transition, to examine how frequently they encounter these problems, and to create an overview of the main problems. Method: The concept mapping method was used to inventory problems TGD people experience during the transition process. A focus group, consisting of TGD people and care providers, formulated seventy-four such problems. Subsequently, a new group of 124 TGD participants reported how often they perceived these problems. We analyzed the frequencies of the experienced problems and the differences between groups based on gender identity and transition phase using MANOVA. The influence of age was examined with multiple regression analyses. Results: Principal component and cluster analysis, based on these problems, revealed five clusters: problems arising from the care process, consequences of the transition in relation to yourself, consequences of the transition in relation to others, problems arising from society, and financial consequences of the transition. The most frequently experienced problems were the long waiting lists, confrontation with one’s body, and the energy the transition takes. The MANOVAs revealed that frequency scores varied with identity and phase of transition. For example, trans men and nonbinary people reported a higher frequency of experiencing problems related to body satisfaction than trans women. The frequency scores were correlated with age; younger participants scored higher on many experienced problems. Discussion: We highlighted the problems that emerge during transition. The observed differences between groups showed that TGD people vary widely in their experiences during transition. This inventory can provide useful input for supporting TGD people during their transition and serve as a guide for the development of more TGD-inclusive policies.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
JournalInternational Journal of Transgender Health
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 21 Nov 2024


  • Body dissatisfaction
  • concept mapping
  • medical treatment
  • misgendering
  • waiting list


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