Exploring teacher roles and pupil outcomes in technology-rich early literacy learning

Amina Cviko*, Susan McKenney, Joke Voogt

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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    The present study focused on the involvement of Dutch kindergarten teachers in curriculum (design and) implementation of PictoPal activities in three different roles: executor-only, re-designer, and co-designer. PictoPal refers to ICT-rich on- and off- computer activities for early literacy. In the executor-only role, teachers were not involved in design, they implemented ready-made PictoPal activities in their classes. The re-designer and co-designer roles involved teams of teachers in a purposeful act of adjusting, respectively designing and implementing PictoPal. The aim of this study was to understand how teacher roles influence implementation of PictoPal and pupil learning outcomes. Case studies were used to examine each teacher role, and a cross-case analysis was undertaken to compare teacher roles with each other on a common set of measures: teacher perceptions about their role, curriculum practicality, and co-ownership; integration of on- and off-computer activities, and pupil learning. The data was gathered using interviews, checklists, and pre- and post-tests. The findings of this study showed that each teacher role (executor-only, re-designer, and co-designer) contributes significantly to the effectiveness of ICT-rich early literacy learning activities. Significant differences in integration of the on- and off-computer activities were found between the three teacher roles. Teachers as co-designers showed highest extent of integration. Across teacher roles, pupil learning outcomes were not straightforwardly related to the extent of integration. However, teachers as co-designers felt a sense of co-ownership towards PictoPal, which yielded high degrees of integration and willingness to extend implementation of PictoPal beyond the research context. Based on this study, it can be recommended that schools wishing to support early literacy development in kindergarten could responsibly choose to do so by engaging their teachers in collaborative design of ICT-rich activities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEducational Media and Technology Yearbook
    Subtitle of host publicationVolume 39
    EditorsMichael Orey, Robert Maribe Branch
    Place of PublicationLondon, UK
    ISBN (Electronic)978-3-319-14188-6
    ISBN (Print)978-3-319-14187-9
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

    Publication series

    SeriesEducational Media and Technology Yearbook


    • teacher designers
    • technology


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