Extended Teams in vocational education: Slow starters but worth the wait

Marco Mazereeuw, Susan McKenney, Iwan Wopereis

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    This study was undertaken due to the notorious frustrations of vocational educators and workplace supervisors concerning (mis)alignment between school and work contexts. Extended teams, consisting of vocational teachers and workplace supervisors, were established to share responsibility for the quality of education, and solving problems related to school-workplace misalignment. Over a period of three years, five teams were followed and data were collected on team performance (through interviews, conversation analysis and focus groups) as well as individual professional growth (through questionnaires and interviews). The findings indicate that four of the five teams were successful in addressing problems associated with misalignment between school and workplace contexts; they show how the team engagement and focus grew over time; and they indicate areas of professional growth for most participants. The cautious conclusion is drawn that well-supported extended teams offer promise improving the quality of vocational education by strengthening school and workplace alignment.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2015
    EventEAPRIL 2015 Conference: Educating the generation of tomorrow - University of Luxembourg, Bel-Val, Luxembourg
    Duration: 24 Nov 201527 Nov 2015


    ConferenceEAPRIL 2015 Conference
    Internet address


    • extended teams
    • vocational education
    • team functioning
    • team learning
    • boundary crossing
    • qualitative research


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