Facilitating Peer Feedback in Online Higher Education Using Modelling

M.A. Henderikx*, E.M. Vrieling - Teunter

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review


Peer feedback (PFB) is considered reliable and beneficial to support learning and interaction. However, it is a complex metacognitive skill that needs explicit instruction through modelling. Due to the expectation of its positive contributions, PFB was integrated in an online higher education academic writing course. After completing the course, students were asked 1) what gains they experienced from the PFB assignment and 2) what additional supporting needs they had with regard to the PFB assignment. In total 135 students answered these research questions which were analyzed using coding software. In reaction to the first research question, our analyses showed, in line with theory, that students generally perceived PFB positively, engaged in critical reflection, gained a better understanding of the intent of the assignment and appreciated the (social) interaction with peers. In response to the second research question, we especially saw the need for modelling in the phase of observation and emulation regarding critical reflection. Students indicated the need for examples, additional (step-by-step) instruction materials and the opportunity of guided practice. As these students generally work in the field of education we did not expect these lower level modelling needs. Also, although social interaction was appreciated, students indicated that finding a peer to interact with in the context of the PFB assignment was difficult and facilitation was needed. The online nature of the course, more specifically the course environment, accounts for this. After redesigning the PFB assignment, it would be interesting to investigate whether the needs-driven modifications result in a better construction of modelling and ultimately in improved learning gains for the students.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning
EditorsTheo Bastiaens
Place of PublicationWaynesville
PublisherAssociation for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-939797-71-1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023
EventEdMedia + Innovate Learning 2023 - EDIL - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 10 Jul 202314 Jul 2023


ConferenceEdMedia + Innovate Learning 2023 - EDIL
Abbreviated titleEdMedia 2023


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