Hardware prototype with component specification and usage description

Tre Azam (Editor), Soyeb Aswat, Roland Klemke, Puneet Sharma, Fridolin Wild

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    Following on from D3.1 and the final selection of sensors, in this D3.2 report we present the first version of the experience capturing hardware prototype design and API architecturetaking into account the current limitations of the Hololens not being available until earlynext month in time for integration into the current proposed framework and design. This deliverable involved acquiring, testing and integrating the various off-the-shelf sensorsand developing a hardware/software design to connect the various devices and sensors intoa single platform. This also involved solving problems around how we would manage the additional computing power, storage and wireless streaming capabilities required for this project. In this first version of the deliverable we propose an initial design for the hardware andarchitecture and have focussed initially on providing a bare-bones prototype of the SensorProcessing Unit (SPU) which involved combining a micro-pc with various sensors to test theflow of data, capabilities of the system and possible connection methods to the device forthe various sensors.The first hardware prototype does not yet include the wearable element, however, ourselection of the sensors and micro-pc takes into consideration the desire to integrate thehardware using 3D printing or by creating add-ons for the Hololens to avoid a chunky ormulti-device hardware solution; D5.2 (M15) will be providing the final design of the fashion,wearability, and comfort of the device taking into consideration the previously completeddesk based research (D5.1, M15). We have provided a mock-up in the Prototype and UsageDescriptions section below of what the final prototype is expected to look like.The separation of the Sensor Processing Unit (SPU) allows for the development of thehardware and software to continue in the absence of the Hololens, but also ensures theplatform can be used standalone or is easily adapted to other Smart Glasses. It does not addany further strain on the in-built computers by keeping the sensor processing independent.As described in D3.2 although there are other AR alternatives already available in the market, they all fall short in terms of the required spec and functionality. A decision was then made to work with the Hololens as it would be the best in class and although notavailable has been tested by key partners and will be available in time for the nextdeliverable.Within this deliverable we also provide an initial mock-up of the hardware design and alsoa sample of the API and links to device APIs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2017


    • WEKIT
    • Hardware Prototype
    • Sensors
    • augmented reality
    • Wearables


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