ICOPER Deliverable 3.1 - Report on the Standardized Description of Instructional Models

Michael Derntl, Susanne Neumann, Petra Oberhuemer

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable


    One of the primary objectives of ICOPER is to make digital content accessible within an interoperable, standards-based infrastructure. An essential ingredient to achieve this objective is an empirically grounded understanding of how teaching practitioners in higher-education institutions approach the tasks of designing, describing, sharing and reusing instructional models and units of learning, in their crucial components: content (WP4), learning objectives (WP2), teaching methods (WP5) and assessment processes (WP6). As a major step towards this understanding, this report investigates the state of the art in representing generic as well as contextualised instructional models. The report introduces a structured description template for generic teaching methods, by drawing on findings from previous projects and initiatives, and by involving teaching practitioners and educational researchers in (a) the evaluation of the template and (b) the collecting of teaching methods. A set of instructional modelling use cases is included to identify and describe key interactions of teachers and learning designers with instructional modelling artefacts in the Open ICOPER Content Space (OICS; see deliverable D1.1). An initial proposal for a metadata application profile for teaching methods and units of learning supporting the use cases within OICS is presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages61
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2009


    • ICOPER
    • Instructional Models


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