ID 7.12 – Revised version of the learning path description and validation plan

Eelco Herder, Philipp Kärger, Adriana Berlanga, José Janssen, Stef Heyenrath

    Research output: Book/ReportTechnical reportAcademic

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    Based on preliminary evaluation results and peer review of the schema, a second iteration of the Leaning Path Specification has evolved. Its applicability and benefits are currently demonstrated by the development of a Learning Path Editor, which allows authors to create learning paths that are structured according to the learning path specification. These learning paths are used by the PDP Planning tool for presenting lifelong learners with a personal development plan that they can further edit toward their needs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Jan 2010


    • WP7
    • learning
    • path
    • description
    • specification


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