Immersive training environments for psychomotor skills development: A student driven prototype development approach

Khaleel Asyraaf Mat Sanusi, Daniel Majonica, Lukas Künz, R. Klemke

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review


Learning psychomotor skills requires constant deliberate practice, typically hands-on training, which necessitates constant feedback
from the mentor. This is, however, uncommon and typically ineffective
in a remote setting. Modern immersive learning technologies enable the
learners to completely get immersed in various learning situations in a
way that feels like experiencing an authentic learning environment and
thus, can be applicable in the psychomotor domain. In this paper, we
present two students’ prototype examples, namely ”Yu and Mi” and
”Flowmotion”; immersive learning environments which are designed to
help learners improve their psychomotor skills in the domains of humanrobotic interaction and sports.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the First International Workshop on Multimodal Immersive Learning Systems
Subtitle of host publicationAt the Sixteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Technology-Enhanced Learning for a Free, Safe, and Sustainable World. (EC-TEL 2021)
EditorsRoland Klemke, Khaleel Asyraaf Mat Sanusi, Daniel Majonica, Anja Richert, Valérie Varney, Tobias Keller, Jan Schneider, Daniele Di Mitri, George-Petru Ciordas-Hertel, Fernando P. Cardenas-Hernandez, Gianluca Romano, Miloš Kravčík, Benjamin Paaßen, Ralf Klamma, Michal Slupczynski, Stefanie Klatt, Mai Geisen, Tobias Baumgartner, Nina Riedl
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2021
EventMultimodal Immersive Learning Systems 2021 - Online, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Duration: 20 Sept 202124 Sept 2021
Conference number: 1


WorkshopMultimodal Immersive Learning Systems 2021
Abbreviated titleMILeS 2021
Internet address


  • Augmented reality
  • Immersive technologies
  • Mixed reality
  • Psychomotor skills


Dive into the research topics of 'Immersive training environments for psychomotor skills development: A student driven prototype development approach'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
  • Immersive training environments for psychomotor skills development: A student driven prototype development approach

    Mat Sanusi, K. A. (Speaker), Majonica, D. (Speaker), Künz, L. (Speaker) & Klemke, R. (Speaker)

    21 Sept 2021

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesTalk or presentation (not at a conference)Academic

  • Multimodal Immersive Learning Systems 2021 (Event)

    Klemke, R. (Editor), Mat Sanusi, K. A. (Editor), Majonica, D. (Editor), Richert, A. (Editor), Varney, V. (Editor), Keller, T. (Editor), Schneider, J. (Editor), Di Mitri, D. (Editor), Ciordas-Hertel, G.-P. (Editor), Romano, G. (Editor), Cardenas-Hernandez, F. P. (Editor), Kravcik, M. (Editor), Paaßen, B. (Editor), Klamma, R. (Editor), Slupczynski, M. (Editor), Klatt, S. (Editor), Geisen, M. (Editor), Baumgartner, T. (Editor) & Riedl, N. (Editor)

    1 Jan 20218 Jul 2021

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work typesEditorial work journalAcademic

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