Incarcerated Fathers and Their Children in The Netherlands: Demographic and Detention Factors That Affect the Father–Child Relationship: A Secondary Analysis

A.C.J. Verhagen-Braspennincx*, Guillaume Beijers, J.H.L.J. Janssen, Bart Claes

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Internationally, incarcerated fathers and their children are often administratively invisible. The protective father–child relationship (FCR) is understudied. A secondary analysis was conducted to identify the number of all Dutch incarcerated legal fathers and their children; and several demographics and detention factors (e.g., prison length, offense type) were uncovered. Over 34% of incarcerated men were legal fathers, with approximately 12,000 children, mostly minors (64%), in each yearly count. Fathers differed from nonfathers by age, ethnic background, type of offense, and prison length. Follow-up research is needed to understand the interrelatedness of different demographics and detention factors and their impact on the FCR.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)110-130
JournalThe Prison Journal
Issue number1
Early online date15 Nov 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


  • incarceration, father–child relationship, demographic, detention, secondary analysis


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