Initial Market Studies Alfanet

Marcel Van der Klink, Jo Boon, Ellen Rusman, Mar Rodrigo, Carlos Fuentes, Cristina Arana, Carmen Barrera, Ingeborg Hoke, Maria Amelia Franco

    Research output: Book/ReportTechnical reportAcademic

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    This deliverable describes the outcomes of the initial market studies which investigated: 1) new tools and products for e-learning, 2) expectations for adaptive e-learning in the European Union, 3) characteristics of potential clients for ALFANET, 4) and user characteristics which need to be addressed in the design of ALFANET. After a description of the key questions, design and outcomes of the market studies, the deliverables describes the conlusions and recommendations for the project ALFANET.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Sept 2002


    • e-learning products and tools
    • (future) application of e-learning
    • user requirements


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