Interfaces and Services for Integrating Games and Game Components into Competence Based Courses within Learning Management Systems

Matthias Then, Benjamin Wallenborn, Alexander Nussbaumer, Michael Fuchs, Simon Fuchs, Matthias Hemmje

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review


Development of an educational game that can be integrated into a course within a Learning Management System (LMS) is a challenging task both from the didactic and from the technical point of view. A thorough evaluation of students’ playing performance on LMS-side requires informative userspecific data that have to be collected during gameplay and then transferred to the LMS. Standardized interaction technologies like Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) specify mechanisms that can be applied for implementing functionality to exchange students’ competence profiles and traces. The Knowledge-Management Eco-System Portal of the European funded RAGE (Realizing an Applied Gaming Ecosystem) Research and Innovation Action project provides capable components, assets and related utility packs for developing such functionality: besides a toolkit for creating competence based games that meet the requirements of Qualifications Based Learning (QBL), assets for storing individual player profiles and traces are available. Furthermore, tools for creating game-specific analytics are provided that can be embedded by LTI-compatible LMSs like Moodle. This paper is concerned with the integration of QBLcompliant competence based games into LMS-courses. A major topic is the description of an exemplar Moodle-plugin with its required functionality and interfaces to the above-mentioned RAGE assets. As the approach is not yet implemented, this paper remains on a conceptual level.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2018)
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9781538629574
ISBN (Print)978-1-5386-2957-4
Publication statusPublished - 23 May 2018
Externally publishedYes
Event IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference - Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Duration: 17 Apr 201820 Apr 2018


Conference IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference
Abbreviated titleEDUCON
CitySanta Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands


  • Competence Based Learning
  • Learning Tools Interoperability
  • Moodle
  • Moodle Extensions
  • Qualifications Based Learning
  • RAGE Assets
  • RAGE Project


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