Kanker Nazorg Wijzer: Ontwikkeling en evaluatie van een computer-tailored zelfmanagementprogramma dat psychosociale ondersteuning biedt aan voormalig kankerpatiënten

Translated title of the contribution: Cancer Aftercare Wiser: Development and evaluation of a computer-tailored self-management program that provides psychosocial support to former cancer patients

Roy A. Willems, I.M. Roomans - Kanera, E.H.S. Lechner, C.A.W. Bolman, Ilse Mesters

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

    159 Downloads (Pure)
    Translated title of the contribution Cancer Aftercare Wiser: Development and evaluation of a computer-tailored self-management program that provides psychosocial support to former cancer patients
    Original languageDutch
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018
    EventNederlandse Vereniging Psychosociale Oncologie - Utrecht, Netherlands
    Duration: 16 Mar 201816 Mar 2018
    Conference number: 24


    ConferenceNederlandse Vereniging Psychosociale Oncologie
    Abbreviated titleNVPO
    Internet address


    • eHealth
    • Psycho-oncology
    • Survivorship
    • Computer-tailoring
    • Self-management

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