Kanker Nazorg Wijzer: supporting cancer survivors with psychosocial and lifestyle problems using an eHealth intervention

RA Willems, I. Mesters, I. Kanera, C. Bolman, AAJM Beaulen, L. Lechner

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


    Background: Many cancer survivors experience psychosocial and lifestyle problems after primary treatment. SinceeHealth can provide easy accessible, personalized information for larger populations, we developedthe ‘Kanker Nazorg Wijzer’ (KNW; Cancer Aftercare Guide), an online tailored intervention aimed atimproving survivors’ lifestyle and psychosocial wellbeing. Methods: We used the Intervention Mapping protocol to systematically develop the KNW. We started with aneeds assessment, consisting of focus group interviews (n = 33) and a survey study (n = 255). Thisprovided input for the performance and change objectives, intervention methods and strategies, andprogram components. Findings: Eight modules were developed: work, fatigue, mood, relationships, exercise, nutrition, smoking andresidual symptoms. The modules were founded on the theoretical principles of problem solving andcognitive behavioural therapy. Tailored feedback ensured that only the most relevant information wasprovided. Pilot-data showed positive evaluations of the modules. Discussion: Although Intervention Mapping is a time consuming process, it increases the chance of creatingeffective interventions. If effective, the KNW can serve as an easy accessible, first-step-in-steppedcare, online tool. Currently, an RCT is conducted.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2015
    Event29th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Principles of Behaviour Change in Health and Illness - Grand Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
    Duration: 1 Sept 20155 Sept 2015


    Conference29th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society
    Abbreviated titleEHPS 2015
    Internet address


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