kennis co-creatie en ecologisch intelligent handelen: De ecologische crisis is een crisis in ons denken en daarmee ook een crisis in ons onderwijs

Translated title of the contribution: Knowledge co-creation and ecological intelligent acting: the ecological crisis is a crisis in out thinking and therefore also an educational crissis

F.P.C.M. de Jong

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterProfessional

Translated title of the contributionKnowledge co-creation and ecological intelligent acting: the ecological crisis is a crisis in out thinking and therefore also an educational crissis
Original languageDutch
Title of host publicationSamenwerken aan de leeromgeving van morgen
Subtitle of host publicationinspiratieboek 2010-2025
EditorsSibo Arbeek, Brenda Beems, Chantal Pieterse
Place of PublicationMeppel
PublisherSchooldomein BV
Number of pages2
ISBN (Print)978-907-786-6672
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021

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