Law Enforcement in Digital Society

W.Ph. Stol, L. Strikwerda

Research output: Book/ReportBookAcademic


Worldwide child pornography networks that are dismantled by the police, hacks that disrupt entire businesses, and people who are victims of dating scams: this is just a sample of the news reports that appear in the media about computer crime. Law Enforcement in Digital Society is about the social context of this new type of crime and most of all about legislation connected to it. The authors discuss the subject from various angles, using classic legal, sociological-legal, criminological and legalphilosophical perspectives.

First, the impact the advent of the internet has had on our society as a whole and on crime in particular will be discussed. Next, this book discusses basic concepts and concepts that are important for this theme. It then provides an overview of the most important laws and regulations in the field of criminal law and criminal procedure that have been put in place during the past decades with respect to computer crime. The authors discuss these subjects from a Dutch perspective, placed in an international context. Three common forms of computer crime are discussed in greater detail, namely: hacking, e-fraud and child pornography. Finally, attention is paid to how the police fight cybercrime and what important problems police officers face, both in practical and legal terms.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEleven International Publishing
Number of pages342
ISBN (Print)978‐94‐6236‐894‐1
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

SeriesBoom Juridische studieboeken


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