Learning technology standardization

Peter Sloep

    Research output: Working paper / PreprintWorking paperAcademic

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    Trying to acquaint oneself with the learning technology standardisationarea rapidly becomes a bewildering experience.Acronyms and organisations abound, a search for firm grounds on who decides what seems futile, and the gurus contradict each other. This short paper by Peter Sloep provides some secure footing by discussing the rationale behind the turmoil. For the end user needing to determine a course of action, there is some useful advice: Avoid the adoption of proprietary standards as, in the end, this may not only increase costs but also negatively affect the quality of education. Long term interests are better served - be it cautiously - by following existing specifications and, if at all possible, joining existing initiatives to influence the specification process.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherOpen Universiteit Nederland
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Jun 2002


    • Standardization
    • standardisation
    • standards
    • NEN
    • DIN
    • BSI
    • ISO
    • CEN
    • IEEE
    • ANSI
    • norms
    • innovation
    • Specifications for standards


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