Leeromgeving voor loopbaanleren: Onderzoek naar relaties tussen de leeromgeving en loopbaancompetenties van vmbo en mbo leerlingen

M.A.C.Th. Kuijpers, Frans Meijers

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    This article examines the question of which aspects of a learning environment, aimed at the career development of students, are associated with the presence of career competencies among students in pre-vocational and intermediate vocational education. The learning environment has been mapped on a number of aspects, namely LOB (career orientation and guidance) methods that are used, LOB instruments that have been used and the extent to which the program organization and guidance is designed in a career-oriented manner. The study distinguishes three career competencies; career reflection (reflective behavior), career development (proactive behavior) and networking (interactive behavior). A quantitative study among 3,499 students and 166 teachers in 226 groups from 34 schools was conducted to investigate the relationships between the learning environment aspects and career competencies. The results show that career-oriented guidance at school and in practice, in which a dialogue with the student takes place about concrete experiences and which is focused on the future, contributes to the presence of career competencies among students. Without dialogue, the use of methods and instruments and the demand-oriented design of education hardly contribute to the presence of career competencies.
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)93-109
    JournalPedagogische studien
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2009

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