Living with my diabetes – introducing eHealth into daily practices of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Catharina M. van Leersum*, Kornelia E. Konrad, Marloes Bults, Marjolein E.M. den Ouden

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Diabetes patients can draw on an increasing number of eHealth apps to support them in the self-management of their disease. While studies so far have focused on patients with type 1 diabetes, we explored how patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) integrate eHealth apps into their practices aimed at managing and coping with the disease, which aspects were considered particularly valuable and which challenges users encountered.
Semi-structured interviews and focus group sessions were conducted to explore how patients cope with T2DM in their daily lives and their attitude towards eHealth. In a further step, four eHealth apps were tested by patients and their expectations and experiences studied by way of qualitative interviews and focus groups.
The analysis showed that the study participants valued in particular the possibility to use eHealth apps to sense and gain a better understanding of their own body, to learn about specific responses of their body to nutrition and physical activity, and to support changes in daily routines and lifestyle. Key challenges encountered related to difficulties in interpreting the data, matching the data to other bodily sensations, getting overly occupied with the disease and difficulties in integrating the apps into personal, family, and care practices.
Under certain conditions, eHealth can play an important role for patients in developing a nuanced, personal understanding of their body and coping with T2DM. A prerequisite is that eHealth needs to be fitted into the specific practices of users, and patients desire a strong role by their care professionals in providing support in interpretation of data.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalDigital Health
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2024


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