Lucas Bunt’s role in the development of statistics education

G. Zwaneveld, D. De Bock

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We describe the role of Lucas Bunt at the start of the teaching of probability and statistics in the last two years of Dutch secondary schools in the early 1950s. Together with his co-authors, Bunt developed an experimental text which, from the mid-1950s on, became a regular textbook. We situate this in relation to Bunt’s other – mostly international – activities with respect to the curriculum reform movement initiated at the Royaumont Seminar in 1959. Bunt’s experimental approach can be seen as one of the initiatives related to this reform. Finally, we present what happened with statistics education in the Netherlands “after Bunt”.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventSixth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education - Marseille, France
Duration: 16 Sept 201920 Sept 2019


ConferenceSixth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education
Abbreviated titleICHME6


  • Lucas Bunt
  • mathematics curriculum
  • probability
  • secondary school mathematics
  • statistical education


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