MACE: D5.4 - Integration with TENCompetence Project

Marcus Specht, Dirk Börner

    Research output: Book/ReportTechnical reportAcademic

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    While TENCompetence targets a shift in the educational paradigm towardscompetence-based education, MACE can be seen as coming from another perspective towards making use of educational contents also but not mainly in competence driven educational approaches. Nevertheless considering the different levels necessary to achieve an integrated support several aspects are relevant for integrating technical and strategic solutions of TENCompetence and MACE, including: - knowledge resources used in learning networks need to be created, stored, used and exchanged driven by metadata or based on distributed learning content repositories. This basic problem of making resources available is solved for a specific domain in the MACE project, - learning activities that are created and shared in Learning Networks need content and learning objects a typical example of this is the authoring of Units of Learning where search on content repositories and the dynamic integration of learning objects is essential, - competence development programs make use of contents on the one hand but also integrate competences, and competence maps defined in a domain or learning network. The link between competences, competence profiles (or maps) and the knowledge resources and Unit of Learning is relevant for TENCompetence while MACE mainly focuses on the link between knowledge resources (or learning objects) and the competences associated with it in WP5 on competence metadata. First cycle pilots in the TENCompetence project have shown that the use of competences for structuring access to learning resources is highly efficient for supporting self-regulated competence development, and - learning networks are the high level element of TENCompetence and the integration of formal and informal learning support is essential in learning networks and furthermore understanding the dynamics and incentive mechansims behind learning networks is essential for building such networks and how they make use and integrate educational contents.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Feb 2009


    • Competence metadata
    • toolingMACE


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